I maintain to this day that a day will come when I will forsake studies, the world and all in it for my never ending quests. I am a man of science and I need reasons for everything that happens or anything that performs the deadly crime of even existing. But I admit a few of my quests have absolutely no end. For instance, my quest to try and find out why playing with shadows causes me to stay awake at night (they don't but I can't say what they actually do to me. It's very embarrassing). There was a time when I was 6 and tried to find out why I could never build a Lego wall higher than 12 blocks without it falling. Being a smart little boy, I tried adding a better base but it never worked!! The obsession held me till about 3 months ago when I finally did it and built the wall using the very same bricks that I used when I was 6, albeit with the help of a little superglue. Another time, I tried to make a pop up card for my friend but kept failing at keeping it closed. So I spent 5 years working and working and working, until finally I perfected the art of pop-up cards. Unfortunately, no one appreciates them these days so I'm relegated to try and teach my 11 year old cousin how they are a really sweet way of saying things (of course, there's also the fact that they cost nothing but that problem still has 8 or 9 years to strike him!). My current quest is to find the perfect finger snap. Being a lonely child and having almost nothing to do for most of the day, I stumbled upon the ancient art of Finger Snapping and have dedicated my life to finding the substance that enables the perfect snap. For those who wish to know, the perfect snap must be quick, must not cause a lot of effort to be spent and must set up the fingers for the next snap simultaneously within a matter of milliseconds. So far I've tried rice flour (too grainy and causes wastage of effort), dust (causes fingers to be smooth and reduces the sound) and a few drops of water(hmm....still working out the kinks but has potential). A few more years of effort and I will find it, hence making mankind's life more or less the same as it was before. But till then, I live in hope!