Friday, 20 May 2011

Spin a Tale: A Tale for the Ages

The sun was shining on the lands of Dormon. A peaceful vibe permeated the air as the landscape looked serene. Lambast The Mighty strode onto the scene with a evil looking flail in his hand. "A good place to start an empire.", he said. "This will do very nicely!! Conrad, let us go forth and pillage as we have in countless other places." Conrad walked past, grubling as he always did. Suddenly, as they were hatching their devious plan, a shadow darkened the land and when Lambast looked up, he saw a sight that made his blood grow cold.

The Beginning

So, here I am. What started as a half baked idea to look cool has now eneded up with another burden....ok fine, this is getting too melodramatic. This is what blogging feels like. Fun?.......meh, not so much. Its just like another one of those, "look, I'm doing it because you're doing it!!!" kind of deals. And unfortunately, that also defines the story of my life. All this time, I seem to be doing stuff only because my cousin, who is a tech pro, is doing them. But hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere. So, I'll sign off with my new blog in its infancy. Lets see if it makes it or just dies like all my ther interests.
