Sunday, 7 October 2012

Coffee or Tea: The Quintissential Question

This a speech I made from almost 3 years ago. To this day, this remains the only time I've ever gone up on stage and never had a mini-heart attck or the need to faint within 5 seconds. Despite my many eccentricities, I have unfortunately never been able to quite get over stage-fright...

The English, being the snobs that they are, have their own little world of rules. While some govern the etiquette of speaking and walking, others deal with which side of the road to drive on. But one of the most interesting facts about them is their mind analyses the answer to the question, “Tea or Coffee?”. If the answer is tea, then all is well and it is decided that the speaker is sophisticated enough to grace the company present. But if the answer is coffee, then you are in for a rude shock. The immediate assumption become that you are one of the lowest of the low, uncouth and disgraceful. You become so repulsive that the English hurl their worst moniker at you; American. The horror this instills in one versed in the English ways is unbearable. There have been reports of people being driven to madness by the inherent embarrassment and shame. So never underestimate the power of this Brazilian bean; it may help you stay awake but it can also be a death warrant if ever seen on English shores. Tea lovers, rejoice; for there may still be hope to revive the dying interest in tea. Now, as I sit with a cup of both tea and coffee before me, I ask you; is it right to be asked to choose between energy and sophistication? You be the judge.  


  1. The British actually have a deep, dirty love for coffee... the low status of coffee is probably just pretend because the British never monopolized the coffee industry :P

    And by the by, interest in tea is nowhere near dying... it's the second most drunk beverage in the world... after water ;) :P

    1. It was supposed to be a test for the teacher. I knew that fact about tea was rubbish but she didn't pick it up so I had a quiet snigger at her ignorance. ;)

  2. nice :) i'm and i guess will always remain the uncouth, un-sophisticated coffee drinker. what is sophistication before joy !?

  3. I get the best of both worlds I suppose :) i drink coffee in the morning and tea in the evening... :)

  4. Class! Whattea speech it must have been! :D

  5. I don't know why...but Coffee always beats tea; the strength, the flavor, the aroma and that 'Kadak' taste always has the upper hand...

  6. COffee and tea = dont u know the tam brahm household that tells us as kids "u would become dark if you take coffee" i think it sums up to extremity of racism :-D

  7. Coffe ovr tea any day.....atleast fr nw :D

  8. Coffee. If the English disagree, we'll give them a 3 year UG course at CU.
