Scratching, scratching, scratching. In front of him and all
around him. The shuffling and rustling of cloth on skin, a faint odour of
perfume for reasons he knew not. It couldn’t help in any way with thought but then,
it’s always nice to look your best when facing a challenge. The heat of the day
was gathering its little storms around his head as he waited for ideas to form and
march down his veins into the canvas he held before him. It had been a long day
and more than ever, he wanted to just stare into space, looking for a small
sign of what he once was and could have become before the infinite blackness
and sludge of the everyday put him down, grabbed his creativity and smothered
it like chocolate sauce on a piece of brownie cake. He knew there was more to
do, more to see and more to describe but he couldn’t, he just couldn’t. Life
was pulling him into a cycle only it knew how to break. A fickle master or
mistress or everything in between. He couldn’t help but smile at his turn of a
phrase. It had been what had got him so far in life, made him different from
the world around him. A spirit in chains that broke free only to return to the
shackles. Keys lost to the winds long ago with locks made of similar sands. It
didn’t matter anymore what he felt, because he had learnt he couldn’t control it,
couldn’t make himself feel something he had never learnt to. The world in flux
had seen him and nurtured him and cut him in so many ways, his wounds looked
like the very map he thought he would need to make himself. Maybe it wasn’t the
signs he was supposed to look for but the ideas that made him think of those
In all this, the light dimmed and outside, he saw freedom.
In its freedom, he saw the drops of glory, of everything he had ever dreamed of
pouring down in torrents, the rains of his ruin and his ecstacy. He couldn’t
help but think of her and how much she would have loved it. He loved her,
knowing he shouldn’t, knowing he couldn’t. They could never be and never would.
Stolen kisses and hugs meant only so much now. More so that the things he could
think of. It was a fact of life, a lesson he had to learn, tears he had to shed
like the heavy clouds that eased their burdens like a pregnant woman on a
countertop. He couldn’t think or speak. He knew he had to stay away. He knew
he’d break her without meaning to, simply because of his love. The power he put
in could never be matched by anyone ever. And that was exactly why he could
never love fully. Because if he did, he would shine so bright, love so deep,
that the world would be rent in two, along with his own heart and and the one
who had the honour of having stolen it. It would be the end of life as we know
it, more dangerous to love than to hate, that to even imagine. The doors of the
Department of Mysteries could only imagine what lay behind his heart. The power
of love could easily be underestimated, taken advantage of. But he could not
help it, he could help but love the world in his innocence and depth. She was
his world and he could not show her that. He dare not for that would break her
beyond repair. Power does strange things to the world and his infinite control
was needed beyond anything else.
Suddenly, the bell rang. Papers were strewn and the wood
reverberated for minutes before the room was empty again. In his place, he
slowly opened his eyes and stared out at the sun, his liquid black eyes simply
looking, looking beyond…
Your style of describing things! I was inches closer to envy. :-)